Feb 14, 2012

Valentine's day

I have had a great valentines day this year. I think it's because for the first time i wasn't expecting some boy to randomly sweep me off my feet and be all weird and romantic-y.
I recieved cards from my friend Kaitlyn and a couple of Reese's hearts from my friend Phoebe. I flirted with a guy at lunch by the trash can where I was throwing my lunch trash away. I know he likes me, so my subconscious reared it's defenses by making me more accidentally awkard than I already am. I spilled ranch dressing all over his jeans and blushed while I gave him napkins from a nearby dispenser.
My friend Robert was playing the ukelele in advo. It was so awesome! And we wrote valentines for the staff.
In english, we read macbeth (short, abridged version) and i was like 5 different supporting roles. We re-enacted macduff and macbeth's epic swordfight with a pointer and a ruler.
Now I'm home in my jammies and an old sweatshirt and my mom bought all of us kids a few treats for v-day. I'm going to gorge myself on the reese's and the whitman's sampler she bought me and play world of warcraft. Yeah :)
Pretty fantastic day.
OH! And I won a contest on deviantart (yea! :D) and I won a free drawing of my choice from my friend Keena. I told her I have brownish red hair mid length and I'm skinny. I told her I'm a musician and I would like some kind of portrait of me for some things. I told her go crazy and she did. It's FANTASTIC! Here it is. Thank you SO MUCH KEENA! :D

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