Nov 5, 2011

Passed all my classes this quarter

I am so happy I did. I had quite a bit of catching up to do in Algebra 2 on thursday. I stayed after school and got my grade up. Over the course of 2 and a half hours after school that day, my grade went from an F (57%) to a B! Of course Spanish: A English: A and Advo: B. I'm so happy I passed all my classes! The only credits I need to make up to graduate from high school now are: .5 occupational ed credit, and 1.5 history credits (.5 sophomore history and 1.0 senior history)
And then I'm eligible for graduation. But, those classes will be spread out through the year. This quarter I have .5 credit for Algebra 2, .5 credit for Spanish 1, .5 credit for CWI, I'm not sure if Advocacy earns you a credit...
we'll see. But, I'm getting on track to graduate this year!!!

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