Sigh. Need I say more?
Well, I will anyway.
Music is always there when I need it to be. I can be crying and saying how much I hate music and how bad I am at it. How I should never do it again in my life. I should never touch another instrument.
But then once I say it out loud, all I want to do is play Homeward Bound or some really pretty Jon Schmidt song to make myself feel better.
Music has loved me always in an unrequited way. Every breakup or heartbreak has been soothed with music. Either by listening to it or playing it.
Truly, I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. Everything musical and having to do with language. Music is a part of being able to communicate with everyone. I think that is what makes it so soothing to me, you know? I am bad with communication in real life. Verbal communication isn't my strong suit. I can be extremely awkward and sometimes immature. I have gossipped before. I've said bad words. I've said things to hurt others.
But none of the music I've ever played or sang has ever done any of that. I've never communicated badly or negatively with music.
When I'm having a bad day or feeling like a bad person, I can re-evaluate my approach to communication by playing something on piano or singing in the shower. Really, truly, I believe singing in the shower is probably one of the best forms of therapy I've ever known. I've been to therapists, been in a group for depression, I've also done art therapy by trying to draw something. None of it did much for me. In fact, I think it made me angrier even. Like those therapists were trying too hard. Like the drawings and paintings were forced. You know?
Music is rad.
Sometimes I just need to post fluff like this. I am just so incredibly passionate (fluffy?) about music. That and speaking languages. I know some Japanese, lots of Spanish, and American Sign Language. Plus, I've always been an avid reader and writer.
I've been a college reading level since fifth grade. I love to read and speak languages and music.
Music is just....