When you're told "I have some great news for you!" and you say "Really?" and the person tells you something that surprises and really, actually perplexes you. You were lead to believe that it was good and exciting news. And, in some ways it really is. You know that it will help you progress and become a better person. But you really think "Why me?"
Then instead of a happy elated response you just say "Oh." with a confused smile on your face.
Why on earth would anyone want me to actually legitimately teach? I can do music with 1-3 year olds because there's really nothing to it. But... teaching... people who are only a few years younger than I?
It's times like these that my faith dwindles in response to what is inspired of the Lord.
So, here's how I'm going to manage it.
-Learn as much as I can as quickly as I can about teaching this group of people. (Just in case)
-Pray every five seconds exactly. (Well, not exactly. That was a hyperbolic statement.)
-Read and re read talks about callings
-Pray again
-pick up a talk on callings and/or teaching this group of people
-drop the talk on the ground and pray again
-pick it back up and try desperately to understand every word and meaning of the talk.
I made a promise to myself that I would accept every calling and task that is asked of me in the church. The only time I will not accept the calling or not finish is if it literally jeopardizes someone else.
I'm really confused. Why go back and teach the people who made you miserable in the first place?
Because if they make you miserable then you need to learn to be more accepting and teach these people of their divine worth.