For knowledge, I've finished all of the erquired value experiences and now all I have to do is upload them to the online thing to turn in to my leaders and get them passed off. However, I have already chosen a project! Gettin buff. :) I'm making my own fitness and eating plan and I'm calling it "run and not be weary" in reference to the revelation given by Joseph Smith in section 89 of the doctrine and covenants (aka the word of wisdom). I'm writing out the program and I've already started implementing it! I'll include my fitness plan for 2 weeks and a journal on what I eat each day and goals for the week, etc. It's going to be really cool. I'll start that program officially on Monday because I have to write the packet for my project still. In addition, since this is my personal progress blog, I'll post my project in it's entirety so you can follow my progress. Oh, and you may ask "Ashleigh, why do you title your posts on fitness as 'gettin buff?'" Well, good people let me tell you. One time I was doing squats in the weight room fourth period because I had weight training that period. I was on 5 out of 10 of the reps I was going to do when I heard to boys behind me on the benches. One was benching and the other was spotting the guy. The spotter was yelling at the guy benching. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" and each time the other guy brought the bar up he would shout back "GETTIN' BUFF!!!" It cracked me up so much that I had to put the weight back on the rack otherwise I would've tipped over. My spotter was laughing too hard to help me too. Anyway, it just made me giggle.
I'll find a creative way of posting my project on here and I'll do that by monday morning.
So far today I have done tricep extensions, yoga poses, and a bunch of other things. Hm, maybe I should post instructions on how to do these exercises so that you get the picture of just exactly what I'm doing... hm... :)
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