Last sunday I gave a talk (My first talk for the church) at our church's invitational sunday. I was asked to give a talk on the Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ). I got a lot of compliments for this talk and it raised my self esteem because people asked if I had ever taken a public speaking class and if I did stuff like this often because it was really good. So I guess that inspired me to put my first talk on here for everyone to read and ponder. (hm... foreshadowing? ;) I designed this blog to write mini non-verbal talks/ stories/ testimonies from the life of a Young woman convert/ Latter-Day Saint/ sister/ student. I hope these encourage my brothers and sisters to share the Gospel and to learn and study the scriptures daily.
Read, ponder, pray
Before I attended church for the first time, I always thought that the Book of Mormon was the "Mormon Bible". I get asked all the time if the Book of Mormon is the mormon bible. Well I'm here to tell you, no it's not.
We believe in and teach from the Bible, and we also believe in and teach from the Book of Mormon. What is the Book of Mormon? It's a testament to everyone that Jesus is the Christ and that Jesus is the Living Christ. It tells stories of Christ and his dealings with the people. It shows the reality of his perfect life, love, and power. There are accounts in the Book of Mormon written by people who personally saw Christ. There were also many, many people around during Jesus Christ's ministry among the Nephites. In 3rd Nephi chapter 12 verse 2 (3 Ne. 12:2) we read-
"And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall recieve a remission of their sins."
In this verse, Christ is speaking to the people and one verse previous he was telling them to heed the words of the 12 apostles and be Baptized by them.
In the verse I read, he is telling them that their brethren and all those they come across who will listen to their testimonies of the Savior Jesus Christ and all those who believe those testimonies will be blessed. If they will hear, pray, and accept and be Baptized by water will be blessed and given the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide them.
By reading the Book of Mormon, Heavenly Father sees your potential and is thrilled because you show the interest in learning how to come back to Him someday. He has a plan for us. The Book of Mormon is a guide He sent to us through the prophet Joseph Smith. Through the power of God, Joseph Smith was able to translate these records for all of God's children from the plates that were buried in the Earth.
By reading the Book of Mormon, blessings will come. In Doctrine and Covenants, section 1, verse 37 (D&C 1:37) we read-
"Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled."
Some of these commandments are given to us in the Book of Mormon and reading and pondering and praying about these commandments and the rest of the scriptures in the Book of Mormon will bring the blessings which are promised in the scriptures. We can know of the truths of the scriptures if we read, ponder, and pray.
In one of my favorite scriptures in Alma chapter 37, verse 8 (Alma 37:8) of the Book of Mormon, Alma is telling the people that the plates must be handed down from generation to generation. He says of his words-
"Now ye may suppose this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple means are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth counfound the wise."
Reading the Book of Mormon may seem like a small or simple mean to us, but to our Father, which is in Heaven, he sees it as us getting one step closer to living with Him again in the Celestial Kingdom.
The Book of Mormon brings comfort into people's lives when they realize that Heavenly Father wants us to read and ponder and live according to its teachings.
(**In this next part, I held up my first Book of Mormon which was given to me by my Best Friend. It's just a simple little blue paperback copy that a lot of converts or investigators recieve. My eyes started to burn with tears when I held up the Book and said "I have..."**)
I have here, my first Book of Mormon. In November 2010, my Best Friend knew I was going through many trials and hard times. He asked if I would like one. I read it and thought about it every time I possibly could. The things written in here comforted me when I was sad, and I saw that. So I prayed and asked if it was true.
I would not be standing up here today if I did not believe with all my heart that this volume of scripture is true. I invite you all to read this book. I know that when you do you will feel comfort. It's never too early or too late to read the Book of Mormon, whether you're here at Church for the first time and have never read it or whether you're here or at home and you haven't read it in over 20 years. Read it, ponder, and pray.
(For this next part, I had to improvise because my brother drew on my notes. It was the testimony so I just said what I felt and knew. I was trying my best to not cry so I don't remember my exact words. I'll improvise here too :)
It would appear that my little brother drew on my notes so this next part is coming from my heart:
I am so thankful that I have a best friend who cared about the Gospel, Heavenly Father, The Savior, and I to have given me this book. I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon through the great power of God. And I know that the Holy Ghost will confirm the truths of the Gospel if we only read and ponder and pray.
Of this I testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ,
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